
What We Offer

Welcome to our Nursery Ministry at El Paso Bible Church. It is our aim to provide a
safe Christian atmosphere for the youngest members of our church family. We hope
that our loving care for your child will allow you to participate in the many
opportunities for fellowship, worship and Bible study here at El Paso Bible Church.

We believe that our children are one of God's greatest gifts! Our Nursery Ministry
seeks to provide special care to infants and toddlers that contributes to their well being
and complements and strengthens the Christian nurture the children experience at

Our nursery is primarily for ages 0 to 4 years unless otherwise specified for Women's
Bible Studies and special events. We encourage you to involve your four year olds
and above in the worship service and our junior church program. We trust that God
will abundantly bless you as you enjoy the privilege of worshiping together as a

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